B06a Oak sierra brown

B06 1101020636

Oak Cumberland pale brown

extra-wide plank smooth matt V-groove 2-sided

BeautyMatch,CLICKitEASY, AC4/32

Surface No. 1327


Extra-wide plank
Extra-wide planks have the biggest possible width and give rooms
an exclusive feel that is bound to impress.

Smooth (matt)
Smooth surfaces with the matt effect look as though they have been oil-treated

V-groove 2-sided
The two-sided groove emphasizes the typical longitudinal effect of planks and extra-wide planks.

BeautyMatch supports the authentic look of the floor and makes the transitionsat the narrow top ends of the laminate
planks virtually invisible. The decor appearances fit together neatly like perfectly fitted jigsaw pieces.

The patented CLICKitEASY connection with the ingenious door-lock principle truly lives up to
its name: click the top edges of the planks together with gentle pressure,
and the CLICKitEASY spring locks the planks securely and easily like a door lock.
Installing CLICKitEASY brings genuine advantages:
-Particularly convenient and simple assembly
-Extremely quick and clean installation
-Installation without any hammers or tapping block
-No material damage
-Strong connections at the top and longitudinal edges
-Easy removal, should it ever prove necessary

Abrasion class AC4/32: For medium traffic as found in nursery schools, offices, waiting rooms or boutiques.

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