Solid Wood Floors

One-click installation ClickTec
The ClickTec installation system permits a glue-free and tool-free installation. The self-aligning planks ensure an extremely stable connection that is immediately ready for use.

Oil-treated engineered parquet floors and solid wood floor surfaces have a unique, natural charisma and feel just like pure wood. The NatureProTec oil prevents dirt or stains from penetrating into the surface. The look and texture remain naturally beautiful, because oil-treated floors from ter Hürne are simply resistant.

The special “Natural Oil” from ter Hürne emphasises the natural appearance and texture of the wood, especially in the case of historically aged floors.

The solid wood and engineered parquet floors featuring a multi-layered UV acrylic lacquer finish are excellently protected even during relatively heavy use. They catch the eye with a strikingly sophisticated surface look. The silk matt shimmer of the floors create a notably elegant impression. What’s more, lacquered surfaces are hygienic and very easy to care for.


Developing personality

Personalities are inimitable and authentic. Only solid wood planks are able to realise this utter uniqueness. Our range of solid wood planks is divided into four product worlds that reflect all of the colour facets of nature. The varied selection of refined woods and the diverse choice of selected surface textures make these floors a choice for life.

Bright and fresh
Beige brown and friendly
Red-brown and warm
Dark and powerful

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